Visum Australien - News
Aufgrund der aktuellen australischen Visum Neuigkeiten und den damit in einigen Medien bereits einhergehenden Spekulationen und Verunsicherungen finden Sie nachstehend auf Englisch eine Zusammenfassung und die entsprechenden original Quellen zum Nachlesen.
Visum Australien - Fakten
On 18 April 2017 the Government announced that it will be abolishing the current 457 visa scheme by March 2018 and replacing it with a new Temporary Skill Shortage visa scheme.
Visum Australien - Änderungen ab dem 19. April 2017
With almost immediate effect after the announcement on 18 April 2017, the occupation lists which are used to determine which occupations are eligible for certain skilled visa subclasses (including 457 visas) have been significantly condensed. These changes will take effect on 19 April 2017.
It has long been the case that in order to nominate someone for the purposes of a subclass 189, 489, 485, 186, 190, 489, 457, or 407 visa (i.e. skilled visas) it is necessary for the nominated occupation to be specified on a prescribed occupation list. These were previously known as the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) (and the Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List (CSOL).
Amendments to these lists have been made which:
- reduce the number of occupation available for subclass 457 visa applicants from 650 to 434.
- restrict 16 Occupations so that they now only apply to the subclass 189, 485, and 489 visa where the applicant is nominated by a state or territory.
- result in 200 fewer occupations being available for 186, 190, 489, 457, and 407 visas
- impose conditions on 59 occupations for the 457 visa subclass which limit the breadth of the occupation that can be nominated
- ensure that specific occupations are only available in relation to certain visa subclasses
The result of the amendments is that new occupation lists now apply. In effect, there are two new list for practical purposes:
(1) Medium and Long-term Strategic skills List (MLTSSL) (refer to Schedule 1)
(2) Combined list including the Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) (refer to Schedule 2)
Visum Australien - Gesetzgeber
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Upgrade Your Lifestyle
Die aktuellen Visum Änderungen und damit verbundenen neuen Visum-Klassen und Visum-Pathways werden von uns im Seminar in November 2017 ausführlich vorgestellt.
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